Division of Special Education

Special education means specially designed instruction, at no costs to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions and in other settings, and instruction in physical education.

The Division trains students to be a qualified early childhood educator, early childhood special educator and elementary school teacher. The Division consists of Special Education, Early Childhood Special Education and Early Childhood Education majors. Freshmen study the basic electives and basic courses. When they become sophomore, they choose one major or two. When they complete 2 majors (eg., elementary special education, early childhood special education or early childhood education), they can achieve two teaching certificates. The Division of Education has distinguished itself in preparing professionals to work at kindergartens and elementary schools. The Division has recently built study rooms and practice rooms as well as many new types of equipment. Field-based curriculum has been used to educate students as qualified professionals in the field of education. 

Special Education Major
Special Education Major was established to train special education teachers who will lead the field in Korea. This program aims to enhance professional knowledge in special education and trains professional teachers who will lead special education in the 21st century by building a sense of duty as well as executing intensive training on specific teaching methods.

Early Childhood Special Education Major
Early Childhood Special Education Major was established to train early childhood special education teachers equipped with knowledge in special education of children with disabilities. It is training preliminary special education teachers by providing them with knowledge and skills required in the field.

Early Childhood Education Major
Early Childhood Education Major was established to train competent teachers who will lead education of infants and toddlers. It is training future early childhood teachers by helping them acquire professional knowledge and skills that will be required for the education of infants and toddlers and child-care, with emphasis on executive ability and expertise.

Graduates are able to find positions as special education and kindergarten teachers. They qualify for professional positions in academic and social welfare fields. Students may also choose to pursue graduate studies, toward careers as researchers, special education administrators, and school commissioners.

Course list

Early Childhood Education Major

Secondary Special Education Major

Early Childhood Special Education

Course list

교과과정 목록
NOGradeTermSubj. NoPointSubject
1ALLALLCLT00023.0Chineses Classic in Korean
2ALLALLCLT06673.0English for Global Communication 2
311CLT07712.0Career Plan and Self Understanding