School of Economics

Recent changes in the global economy and revolution in Internet Technology requires schools to convey practical education. The school focuses on problem-solving education, market-oriented education and computer-aided education. It offers students theoretical and practical courses to raise their ability of understanding and analyzing the market system and solving economic problems they face in the real economy.

The school of Economics offers two courses: Economics Course and Local Development Course.  Every student should choose one of two majors before he/ she graduate by his/ her own will.

Economics Major

Economics major offers theories to understand and analyze economic situations. Student learns how to solve the economic problems with theory understanding and improve human welfare ultimately.

Local Development Major

With basic theories of economics, this major offers detailed studies on urban, regional and environmental problems which occur in modern industrial society. Furthermore, it aims at educating local development specialists who can solve regional development gap issues with modern planning techniques.

Course list

Economics Major

Regional Development Major

Course list

교과과정 목록
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